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Home: Welcome

Fundraising is extremely challenging for the average minority! The long-term goal of VISION 9:38 is to assist in strategically funding deserving and qualified minority missionaries, to find creative solutions, and to train them in the strategies of raising and maintaining funding that will enable them to get on the mission field and remain on the mission field for an extended period of time. If this challenge is not addressed immediately and with some resolve, then we will continue to struggle with the inability to hire and maintain minority missionaries. As a result, the influencing and the impacting of the minority community and the world could be limited.
Home: About

Empowering and equipping minority missionaries to enable them to labor effectively in the harvest for a lifetime of kingdom impact

Expanding the number and the effectiveness of minority missionaries (foreign and domestic) by educating believers about the need for minority missionaries, encouraging minority missionaries to pursue their calling, providing short-term funding to missions organizations, networking on behalf of deserving and qualified minority missionaries, and training minority missionaries in order for them to reach sustainable funding levels
Home: What We Do
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